Connect for Success

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  • Ad ID: 3808

  • Added: January 11, 2021

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  • Views: 2085


Connect for Success was established in 2014. It has been set up to give support to local business owners on Sydney’s North Shore and Northern Beaches. It hosts regular coffee mornings and networking events, with guest speakers that aim to educate, inspire, motivate, and help business owners think about their business, how to improve, and to help grow.

Come along to the Connect for Success events and make some connections. Share ideas, inspire each other, work with each other, and pick up extra business along the way by helping and referring each other.

Connect for Success is growing steadily and now has a reach of several hundred small business owners. It is seeing amazing results amongst Sydney’s North Shore and Northern Beaches community with its members growing in confidence, referring to each other, learning from each other, and helping each other grow and become successful.

Connect for Success is run entirely not for profit but purely to give back to the local community and to help other small businesses like ourselves to succeed.

Join our Facebook Group.


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